Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012

BS Alert

So I'm hanging with friends on Saturday and a guy who was known to some in the group but not to myself join and started talking... and talking... and talking.

The level of BS this guy was spreading was so accute that I had to check to see if I had boots on to protect my feet.

One layer of the crap was a story about a friend of his, who was married with three kids, joined the army after 9-11. The guy was thirty-eaight years old when he joined and turned forty in basic training.

First of all, the cut-off age for joining the military is 35. Second, you can't be a private in the army if you are married with three kids (the max is two, they do this for economic reasons). Finally, the guy would not have spent two years in basic training.

Anyway, that was just one part of my weekend.....