Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The Republic of Texas Currency

The Republic of Texas issued its own currency during the period when it was an independent nation from 1836 to 1845. The currency issued by the Republic of Texas was known as "Texas Money" or "Texas Currency." This was before Texas became a U.S. state in 1845. Here are some key points about the currency of the Republic of Texas:

1.  Types of Currency:  The Republic of Texas issued various types of currency, including paper money and coins. The paper money included notes of different denominations, such as $1, $2, $3, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, and more.

2.  Design:  The design of Texas money featured various motifs and symbols, often highlighting the state's history, culture, and natural resources. Some notes depicted portraits of prominent individuals in Texas history, like Stephen F. Austin and Sam Houston.

3.  Variety:  Texas issued a wide variety of currency notes, and many of them were printed by different banks and private issuers. As a result, the appearance of the currency could vary significantly.

4.  Issuing Authorities:  Several different banks and entities were authorized to issue currency in Texas during this period. These included the Republic of Texas government, various private banks, and local municipalities.

5.  Redbacks:  The $5 Texas note, often referred to as the "redback," is one of the most famous and recognizable pieces of Texas currency. It gained its nickname due to the red ink used on the back of the note.

6.  Financial Challenges:  The Republic of Texas faced significant financial challenges during its brief existence, which led to frequent issues of currency to fund government operations and infrastructure projects.

7.  Post-Annexation:  After Texas was annexed by the United States in 1845, its currency gradually ceased to be in circulation, and it was replaced by U.S. currency. Some Texas currency, especially the redbacks, has become collectors' items and can be quite valuable today.

Collectors and historians have a keen interest in Republic of Texas currency, and these notes are often sought after for their historical significance and as collectibles. The design, rarity, and condition of these notes can greatly influence their value in the collectibles market. If you have any specific questions about a particular type of Texas currency or its value, it's advisable to consult with a numismatic expert or a specialized collector.


The Republic of Texas experienced significant financial difficulties during its existence from 1836 to 1845. These financial challenges eventually led to a state of insolvency and bankruptcy. Here are some key points about the Republic of Texas's financial situation and bankruptcy:

1.  War Debt:  One of the primary reasons for Texas's financial troubles was the significant debt incurred during its fight for independence from Mexico. The Texas Revolution (1835-1836) and subsequent conflicts resulted in substantial war debt.

2.  Land Grants:  To finance its operations and attract settlers, the Republic of Texas adopted a policy of granting land to individuals and empresarios (land agents) who could bring settlers to the region. This policy further strained the government's finances as it reduced potential revenue from land sales.

3.  Limited Tax Revenue:  The Republic of Texas had a limited tax base due to its sparse population. This made it challenging to generate sufficient tax revenue to cover government expenses and service its debt.

4.  Economic Challenges:  The Texas economy faced various challenges during this period, including a lack of infrastructure, a fluctuating cotton market, and issues with currency stability.

5.  Issuance of Paper Money:  To address its financial woes, the Republic of Texas began issuing paper money. However, the overprinting of currency without adequate backing in specie (hard currency like gold and silver) led to significant inflation and a loss of confidence in the currency.

6.  Failed Loan Negotiations:  The Republic of Texas attempted to negotiate loans from various European countries, including the United Kingdom and France, to alleviate its financial situation. However, these efforts were largely unsuccessful.

7.  Annexation by the United States:  In 1845, Texas was annexed by the United States and became a U.S. state. As part of the annexation agreement, the United States assumed a portion of Texas's debt, helping to relieve some of its financial burden.

8.  Resolution of Debt:  After annexation, the United States and Texas agreed on a method to settle the remaining debt. The U.S. government issued bonds to cover the debt, and Texas received payment over time.

The financial struggles of the Republic of Texas were a significant factor in its decision to seek annexation by the United States. By becoming a U.S. state, Texas was able to address its financial difficulties with the assistance of the federal government. The debt settlement process allowed Texas to move forward as a state within the United States.

It's important to note that the Republic of Texas's financial difficulties were one of several complex factors that influenced its history and eventual annexation.

Monday, September 18, 2023

SQL Server Geolocation

SQL Server has built-in support for geolocation data and spatial data types, allowing you to store, query, and analyze geographic and geometric data. This functionality is part of the SQL Server Spatial feature, which provides data types and functions for working with spatial data.

Here are the key components and concepts related to geolocation in SQL Server:

1. Spatial Data Types:
   SQL Server provides two main spatial data types for geolocation data:
   - `geometry`: Represents planar (flat) geometric shapes on a two-dimensional plane.
   - `geography`: Represents data in a round-earth coordinate system (i.e., data that represents points, lines, and polygons on a sphere, like the Earth's surface). This data type is suitable for geographic data.

2. Spatial Indexing:
   SQL Server allows you to create spatial indexes on columns that store spatial data. Spatial indexes significantly improve the performance of spatial queries by enabling efficient spatial operations.

3. Spatial Functions:
   SQL Server provides a wide range of spatial functions for performing operations on spatial data. These functions include operations like distance calculations, intersection tests, containment checks, and more.

4. Spatial Queries:
   You can use SQL queries to perform various operations on spatial data, such as finding nearby points, calculating distances between points, and overlaying geometric shapes.
Here's a basic example of creating a table with a geography column and inserting geolocation data into it:


-- Create a table with a geography column

    LocationName NVARCHAR(50),
    GeoLocation GEOGRAPHY

-- Insert geolocation data
INSERT INTO LocationData (LocationID, LocationName, GeoLocation)
(1, 'City A', geography::Point(47.6205, -122.3493, 4326)), -- Latitude and longitude for City A
(2, 'City B', geography::Point(40.7128, -74.0060, 4326)); -- Latitude and longitude for City B

You can then perform various spatial queries on the `LocationData` table to retrieve and analyze the geolocation data.

Keep in mind that SQL Server's spatial capabilities are quite powerful and can handle complex scenarios like spatial joins, buffering, and more. Depending on your specific requirements, you can leverage these capabilities to work with geolocation data effectively in SQL Server.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Adding Business Days

To add five business days to a date in SQL Server, you can use a query that takes into account weekends (typically Saturday and Sunday) as non-working days. Here's a SQL query that demonstrates how to add five business days to a given date:


DECLARE @StartDate DATETIME = '2023-09-16'; -- Replace with your desired start date
-- Calculate the end date with five business days added
DECLARE @EndDate DATETIME = @StartDate;
-- Loop to add five business days
DECLARE @BusinessDaysToAdd INT = 5;
WHILE @BusinessDaysToAdd > 0
    -- Add one day to the current date
    SET @EndDate = DATEADD(DAY, 1, @EndDate);
    -- Check if the current day is a weekend (Saturday or Sunday)
    IF DATENAME(WEEKDAY, @EndDate) NOT IN ('Saturday', 'Sunday')
        -- If it's not a weekend, decrement the remaining business days to add
        SET @BusinessDaysToAdd = @BusinessDaysToAdd - 1;
-- Output the result
SELECT @StartDate AS StartDate, @EndDate AS EndDate;


In this query:

1. Replace `@StartDate` with your desired starting date.
2. The query initializes `@EndDate` with the start date and then enters a loop.
3. Inside the loop, it adds one day to `@EndDate` in each iteration.
4. It checks whether the current day (after adding one day) is a weekend (Saturday or Sunday). If it's a weekend, it doesn't decrement the `@BusinessDaysToAdd` counter.
5. If the current day is not a weekend, it decrements the `@BusinessDaysToAdd` counter.
6. The loop continues until `@BusinessDaysToAdd` becomes zero, at which point you have the end date with five business days added.

Finally, the query selects both the start date and the calculated end date.

Friday, September 8, 2023

Draped Bust Dollar 1795-1804

The Draped Bust Dollar is a significant piece of American numismatic history. It was a silver dollar coin minted by the United States Mint from 1795 to 1804. The design features the bust of Lady Liberty on the obverse and an eagle on the reverse.

The Draped Bust Dollar was designed by renowned portrait artist Gilbert Stuart and executed by the Mint's chief engraver, Robert Scot. The obverse depicts a right-facing bust of Lady Liberty wearing a flowing gown with her hair tied with a ribbon. The reverse features a small eagle encircled by a wreath. The coin was first minted in 1795.

In 1798, the reverse design was changed to depict a larger heraldic eagle with outstretched wings, clutching an olive branch and arrows in its talons. This design change was made to comply with a law that mandated the depiction of an eagle on the reverse of silver coins. The Draped Bust Dollar with the heraldic eagle reverse was produced until 1804.

The Draped Bust Dollar had varying mintages throughout its production years. The total mintage for all years combined is estimated to be around 150,000 coins. Some years had limited mintages, resulting in certain issues being quite scarce and valuable today.

Although the Draped Bust Dollar series is dated up to 1804, no dollars were struck with that date until many years later. Production of the coin ceased after 1804 due to a combination of factors, including the passage of the Coinage Act of 1806, which regulated the weight and fineness of U.S. silver coins.

In the 1830s, the United States Mint produced a small number of Draped Bust Dollars dated 1804 for diplomatic presentation purposes. These coins, known as the "Class I" 1804 Dollars, are extremely rare and highly sought after by collectors. They are considered one of the most famous and valuable coins in American numismatics.

The Draped Bust Dollar holds a special place in American coinage history, representing an early era of the country's monetary system. Its elegant design and historical significance make it a popular choice among coin collectors and enthusiasts today.


Key Dates

1794: The Draped Bust Dollar was first minted in 1795, but a small number of prototype coins were struck in 1794. These 1794 Dollars are extremely rare and valuable, with only a few known examples in existence. They represent the earliest production of the Draped Bust Dollar series.

1796: The 1796 Draped Bust Dollar is a significant date due to its low mintage and scarcity. It is estimated that only around 3,500 to 5,000 coins were minted that year. The 1796 Dollar is highly sought after by collectors and is considered a key date of the series.

1799: The 1799 Draped Bust Dollar is another key date known for its low mintage. It is estimated that approximately 423,000 coins were minted that year. Despite being more available compared to some other key dates, the 1799 Dollar is still relatively scarce and desirable among collectors.

1801: The 1801 Draped Bust Dollar is considered a key date due to its low mintage and limited availability. It is estimated that around 54,454 coins were minted in 1801, making it one of the scarcer dates of the series.

1804: While 1804 is not considered a key date in terms of regular production, it holds great significance due to the production of the unique 1804 Dollars known as the "Class I" coins. As mentioned earlier, these coins were struck in the 1830s for diplomatic purposes and are incredibly rare and valuable.

It's important to note that all dates of the Draped Bust Dollar series are scarce to some extent, as the mintages were generally low compared to later coinage issues.

Monday, September 4, 2023

Capped Bust Half Dollar 1807-1839

The Capped Bust Half Dollar is a United States coin that was minted from 1807 to 1839. It went through several design variations during its production years, reflecting changes in minting technology and the artistic preferences of the time. Here is an overview of the history of the Capped Bust Half Dollar:

The Capped Bust design was created by John Reich, a German-born engraver who worked for the United States Mint. It featured the portrait of Liberty facing right, wearing a cloth cap (often mistaken for a Phrygian cap) with the word "LIBERTY" inscribed on the band. The reverse side of the coin depicted an eagle with a shield on its breast, clutching arrows and an olive branch.

In 1813, the design of the Capped Bust Half Dollar was modified slightly. The portrait of Liberty was altered to show a more matronly appearance, with her cap now resembling a bonnet. The reverse design remained mostly unchanged, featuring the eagle and shield motif.

In 1836, the Capped Bust Half Dollar underwent another significant change. The edge of the coin was reeded, meaning it had small grooves encircling the circumference, replacing the previous lettered edge that bore the inscription "FIFTY CENTS OR HALF A DOLLAR" and other variations.

Throughout the production years of the Capped Bust Half Dollar, there were different varieties and minor design modifications. These variations included changes to the size of letters, the placement of stars, and other details. Some of these varieties are highly sought after by collectors, and certain years or mint marks are considered rare and valuable.

The Capped Bust Half Dollar was eventually replaced by the Seated Liberty design, which made its debut in 1839. The Seated Liberty Half Dollar featured Liberty seated on a rock, holding a pole with a liberty cap. The decision to replace the Capped Bust design was driven by a desire to modernize and improve the artistic appeal of American coinage.

Today, Capped Bust Half Dollars are highly collectible and are appreciated for their historical significance and artistic beauty. They serve as a reminder of the early years of the United States Mint and the development of American coinage.


Key Dates

1807 (Large Stars):  The inaugural year of the Capped Bust Half Dollar series is considered a key date. The 1807 half dollar has a distinctive design with large stars on the obverse (front) of the coin.

1815: The 1815 Capped Bust Half Dollar is particularly scarce and valuable. It has a low mintage, and surviving specimens are highly sought after by collectors.

1822: The 1822 Capped Bust Half Dollar is one of the rarest and most valuable coins in the series. It has an extremely low mintage, and only a few examples are known to exist. The 1822 half dollar is highly coveted by collectors and often commands high prices at auctions.

1827 (Square Base 2): The 1827 Capped Bust Half Dollar is notable for its variety known as the "Square Base 2." In this variety, the number 2 in the date appears squared at the base, distinguishing it from the more common "Curl Base 2" variety.

1838-O: The 1838-O Capped Bust Half Dollar was minted in New Orleans and is considered a key date for collectors. It has a limited mintage and is challenging to find in high grades.

1839 (No Drapery): The 1839 Capped Bust Half Dollar without drapery is a significant variety. In the initial production of this year, the Liberty figure lacked drapery on her arm. However, the design was modified later in the year, adding drapery, making the no drapery variety more desirable.

Friday, September 1, 2023

Capped Bust Dime 1809 - 1837

The Capped Bust Dime was a dime coin that was minted by the United States from 1809 to 1837. It featured a design created by John Reich, an engraver at the United States Mint. The design of the Capped Bust Dime went through a few variations during its production period.

The first type of Capped Bust Dime, known as the "Large Size" or "Turban Head" design, was produced from 1809 to 1828. The obverse (front) of the coin featured the bust of Liberty facing left, wearing a turban-like cap. The word "LIBERTY" was inscribed above the bust, and the date was placed below it. The reverse (back) of the coin showcased an eagle with outstretched wings, clutching arrows and an olive branch, surrounded by the inscription "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" and the denomination "10 C."

In 1828, the design was modified to the "Small Size" or "Capped Bust" design. The obverse still featured the bust of Liberty facing left, but the turban-like cap was replaced with a close-fitting cap. The inscriptions remained the same. The reverse design was also slightly altered, with the eagle positioned differently and a smaller inscription of the denomination "10 C." The "Small Size" Capped Bust Dimes were produced from 1828 to 1837.

Throughout the production period of the Capped Bust Dime, various mint marks were used to indicate the mint where the coin was produced. The main mint facilities at the time were in Philadelphia (no mint mark), New Orleans (O), and occasionally in other cities such as Dahlonega, Georgia (D), and Charlotte, North Carolina (C).

Capped Bust Dimes were made of a silver-copper alloy, with a weight of 2.7 grams and a diameter of 18.8 millimeters. They had a reeded edge, which means the edge of the coin had grooves.

The Capped Bust Dime series was replaced by the Seated Liberty Dime in 1837. These dimes hold historical significance as they were produced during a period of expansion and growth in the United States and provide a glimpse into the early days of the nation's coinage. Today, Capped Bust Dimes are sought after by coin collectors and numismatists for their historical value and rarity.

Key Dates

1809/6: This overdate variety is one of the most famous and valuable Capped Bust Dimes. It features a "9 over 6" date, where the underlying 6 is visible beneath the 9. These coins are quite rare and highly sought after by collectors.

1822: The 1822 Capped Bust Dime is considered one of the rarest dates in the series. It has a low mintage and surviving examples are scarce. These dimes command a significant premium in the numismatic market.

1829: The 1829 Capped Bust Dime is another low-mintage issue, making it highly desirable among collectors. It is particularly difficult to find in high grades.

1830 Large 10C: In 1830, the diameter of the Capped Bust Dime was reduced from 18.8 mm to 18.5 mm. However, some dimes were struck using the old, larger planchets. These are known as the 1830 Large 10C variety and are considered rare.

1831: The 1831 Capped Bust Dime is a low-mintage issue and is scarce in higher grades. It is especially difficult to find in uncirculated condition.

1835: The 1835 Capped Bust Dime is another key date in the series. It has a low mintage and is highly sought after by collectors.


Twenty SQL Power Tips

Here are some SQL power tips to help you write efficient and effective SQL queries:

1. Use Indexes: Properly index your tables based on the columns you frequently search or join on. Indexes can significantly improve query performance.

2. Avoid Using SELECT *: Instead of selecting all columns, specify only the columns you need. This reduces unnecessary data transfer and can speed up your queries.

3. Limit the Use of DISTINCT: Using `DISTINCT` can be computationally expensive. Try to design your schema to minimize the need for it, or use other techniques like grouping.

4. Use Joins Wisely: Be mindful of how you join tables. Use inner joins when you only need matching records, and use outer joins when you need non-matching records as well.

5. Use WHERE Clause Efficiently: Push filtering logic as early as possible in your query using the `WHERE` clause. This reduces the number of rows processed.

6. Avoid Using Subqueries: Subqueries can be slow. Whenever possible, use joins or common table expressions (CTEs) instead.

7. Aggregate Functions: Use aggregate functions like `SUM`, `COUNT`, and `AVG` to perform calculations in the database rather than fetching large datasets and performing calculations in your application code.

8. Normalize Your Data: Normalize your database to eliminate redundancy and improve data integrity. However, strike a balance between normalization and performance, as denormalization can sometimes be necessary.

9. Optimize ORDER BY: If you need to sort your results, try to avoid sorting large result sets in the database. Instead, consider sorting in your application code.

10. Batch Operations: When inserting or updating multiple rows, use batch operations like `INSERT INTO ... VALUES`, `UPDATE ... SET`, or `DELETE` rather than executing individual queries for each row.

11. Use Stored Procedures: If your database supports it, use stored procedures for frequently executed queries. They can reduce network overhead and improve security.

12. Monitor Query Performance: Regularly monitor the performance of your queries using tools like EXPLAIN (or the equivalent in your database system) to analyze query execution plans and identify bottlenecks.

13. Use Connection Pooling: If you're developing a web application, use connection pooling to efficiently manage database connections and minimize connection overhead.

14. Avoid NULLs: Use NULL sparingly. NULLs can complicate queries and indexing. Consider using default values or alternative approaches like empty strings or sentinel values.

15. Regularly Maintain Your Database: Perform routine maintenance tasks like reindexing, vacuuming, and updating statistics to keep your database running smoothly.

16. Use Proper Data Types: Choose appropriate data types for your columns to minimize storage requirements and improve query performance.

17. Consider Caching: Implement caching mechanisms at the application level to reduce the load on your database, especially for frequently accessed data.

18. Optimize Disk I/O: Ensure that your database server's disk configuration is optimized for performance. This may include using SSDs, RAID setups, and optimizing file placement.

19. Security and Prepared Statements: Always use prepared statements or parameterized queries to prevent SQL injection attacks. Additionally, follow best practices for database security.

20. Documentation: Document your database schema, query optimizations, and data flow. This can help you and your team understand and maintain the system effectively.

Remember that the best optimization strategies can vary depending on your specific database system (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server) and the nature of your application. Regularly profiling and testing your queries is crucial to achieving optimal performance.