The Westward Journey Nickel Series refers to a set of five commemorative nickel designs that were released by the United States Mint between 2004 and 2006. The series aimed to commemorate the Lewis and Clark expedition and highlight significant events and individuals related to their historic journey across the western part of the United States.
Here are the designs featured in the Westward Journey Nickel Series:
1. 2004 Peace Medal Nickel: The obverse of this nickel features a portrait of Thomas Jefferson, who initiated the Lewis and Clark expedition. The reverse depicts two hands clasping a peace medal, which was given to Native American tribes during Lewis and Clark's journey as a symbol of friendship.
2. 2004 Keelboat Nickel: The obverse remains the same as the previous design, featuring Thomas Jefferson. The reverse showcases a representation of the keelboat used by Lewis and Clark to navigate the rivers during their expedition.
3. 2005 American Bison Nickel: The obverse still features Thomas Jefferson. The reverse portrays an American bison, which symbolizes the wildlife encountered during the journey and the importance of conservation.
4. 2005 Ocean in View Nickel: The obverse continues to depict Thomas Jefferson. The reverse showcases a scene with William Clark and a Native American, Sacagawea, pointing towards the Pacific Ocean. It signifies the moment when the expedition reached their ultimate goal.
5. 2006 Return to Monticello Nickel: The obverse features the classic depiction of Thomas Jefferson. The reverse returns to the traditional Monticello design, showcasing Jefferson's home in Virginia.
The Westward Journey Nickel Series was an opportunity to educate the public about the significant historical events and people related to the Lewis and Clark expedition. The coins were released into circulation and are still commonly found today, although some collectors seek out uncirculated or proof versions for their collections.
Afso See: Westward Journey Nickel Series | U.S. Mint (
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