Wednesday, July 20, 2011

FBI arrests Twelve Hackers

I thought when all was said and done that the FBI would find that the hacker group ‘Anonymous’ would be kids from a far-away land.

But no….

These knuckleheads are US citizens.

I do understand their reasoning behind their defense; to show what computer systems are not being run in a secure manner.

But this group can’t use that defense.

First, if they were really out to expose unsecure networks then they should be ready to share with the programming community which systems they couldn’t get into so we could see what those companies are doing right and learn from that.

Second, they should have never published user names, passwords, whatever to the rest of the world.

Finally, we need to know the techniques they used to access the networks that they did.

More info from ComputerWorld at the link below.

Update: FBI arrests 12 in 'Anonymous' hackers probe - Computerworld

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