Monday, October 31, 2011

Wisconsin Senate Passes Bill to Regulate Attorney Fees » Controlling Legal Costs

This is an interesting article.

The fees have to be limited based on the ‘factors’ listed below. I don’t see how this is really limited legal fees unless it was to spend some money on legislation that really doesn’t do anything.

  • Time and labor required by the attorney
  • Novelty and difficulty of the questions involved in the action
  • Skill requisite to perform the legal service properly
  • Likelihood that the acceptance of the particular case precluded other employment by the attorney
  • Fee customarily charged in the locality for similar legal services
  • Amount of damages involved in the action
  • Results obtained in the action
  • Time limitations imposed by the client or by the circumstances of the action
  • Nature and length of the attorney’s professional relationship with his or her client
  • Experience, reputation and ability of the attorney
  • Whether the fee is fixed or contingent
  • Complexity of the case
  • Awards of costs and fees in similar cases
  • Legitimacy or strength of any defenses or affirmative defenses asserted in the action
  • Other factors

Wisconsin Senate Passes Bill to Regulate Attorney Fees » Controlling Legal Costs

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