Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sunday Walk

Call Box
So I was able to get out with my camera this morning.

I took over 500 pictures, my theme (if there is such a thing) was 'everything'.

I made it to the parking lot of a local mall at around 8 a.m.  I wanted to see what the advantage was from the top of the parking garage which is about four stories above ground.

While I was up there I was able to get some fantastic pictures of a hawk that was making his home behind one of the signs.

From up there too I got some pictures of a water tower with my zoom lense that makes it look like I had used a helicopter or something because I'm almost exactly even with the big green thing.

Everything was going great until mall security cornered me and kicked me off the mall's 'private' property.

Oh well....  

Pink Rose

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