Sunday, September 25, 2011

Another Example of the Media Misleading the Public About Internet Security

This is a perfect example of how the media uses the trust the public puts in them as a way to keep them scared and mistrust the Internet.

In this article by The Register (United Kingdom) it explains that the encryption method used by sites like PayPal and others has been compromised in a way that hackers can ‘catch’ your purchase and payment information as it is being transmitted.

While it may be true that SSL 1.0 has been cracked – it was cracked some fifteen years ago in the 1980s.

Modern browsers don’t even allow it as an option in their security settings. Bottom line – NOBODY uses it any more.

TLS encryption isn’t even even turned on by default – so (you guessed it) nobody uses it unless it is with their corporation intranet or other specialty internet service.

The article is hype for some security group in Buenos Aires and some paper they are going to present to the Ekoparty Security Conference.

Don’t be mislead by the media – they only publish stuff they get on emails and never take the time to verify the information themselves.


Hackers break SSL encryption used by millions of sites • The Register

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