Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Google Millionaire: Obama: 'Raise My Taxes, Please!'

I find it very odd that a millionaire who received is education because it was paid for with Pell Grants and (his words) “job training programs that made it possible for me to get to where I am” would want to rely on the federal government to take his money and do the right thing like replenish what his education and job training cost.

Why doesn’t Doug Edwards use what monies he believes should be given in taxes directly back to grant systems and or job training systems that helped him out, that way they would not be so reliant on the federal government to sustain them?

Better yet Mr. Obama, introduce a new tax rule that states if you file a return showing over “X” dollars in income and you are the beneficiary of education grants and job training programs that you have to pay the money back just as if it were a student loan?

I think the best retort President Obama could have given to the group was encouragement to support programs that they feel are worthy directly. Kind of a pep-talk to get them to do good deeds directly rather than indirectly. After all, the odds of raising taxes on millionaires (and Doug knows this) is at best 50/50 right now.

We need to stop relying on lawmakers to be all knowledgeable with regards to taxation and paying for a civilization. They aren’t good at it.

I wonder if Doug Edwards would feel that way if he was living pay-check to pay-check like most Americans do.

Google Millionaire Tells Obama: 'Raise My Taxes, Please!' - DailyFinance

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