Wednesday, August 2, 2023

International Numismatic Bureau

I enjoy ordering the occasional "grab-bag" or groups of coins because I like occasional surprise. When I find a fair and honest seller, I will buy from them again, but you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find them. 

Not Impressed

One seller on eBay calls themselves "real-auctions" offering coins in holders (or 'slabs') with labels from "International Numismatic Bureau".

My guess is that whoever is running this buys a bunch of coins an encases them with their green labels regardless of the quality or value collectors would place on the coin.

None of the coin are graded. 10% of what was sent are ungradable as NONE of the buffalo nickels had dates! Many of the coin, heck the holder is more valuable. Nickels that said "Brilliant Uncirculated" were anything but as the first thing a collector looks at are the steps on Monticello. 

Here is a breakdown of the coins I received:

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