Thursday, March 28, 2024

Historical Events on March 28

Saddam Hussein
Here are some historical events that have happened on March 28:

1939 - The Spanish Civil War ends as Madrid falls to Francisco Franco's forces.

1979 - Nuclear accident at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania, USA. A partial meltdown of a reactor core led to fears of a major disaster.

1979 - The British House of Commons passes a vote of no confidence against James Callaghan's government, leading to a general election which Margaret Thatcher's Conservative Party would win.

2003 - The United States and three other countries begin military operations in Iraq, launching the invasion that would lead to the overthrow of Saddam Hussein.

2006 - The Enabling Act of 2006, which allows President George W. Bush to modify US immigration law, is signed into law.

2017 - Cyclone Debbie makes landfall in Queensland, Australia, causing widespread damage and flooding.

2017 - The United Kingdom triggers Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, officially beginning the process of Brexit, leading to the UK's eventual withdrawal from the European Union.

2019 - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cuts short his visit to the United States after a rocket attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip.

These are just a few notable events that have occurred on March 28th throughout history.

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