Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Cybersecurity and the Federal Government

According to article on The Hill our House of Representatives will begin debating the pros and cons of a Cybersecurity law.

It will be aninterestingg debate. Just how much power (or responsibility) does the federal government want to give the Department of Homeland Security?

There is a wide variety of considerations:

  • Intellectual Property inside private-sector networks
  • Considerations for online poker players
  • Home Networks
  • Enforcementt

Having been in the business of programming Internett applications for over twenty years now I have witnessed a number of attacks. I can tell you from this experience that the attacks come from places where our federal government has no jurisdiction.

I personally believe that although their hearts are in the right place, there is really little if anything the federal government can to to protect our technical infrastructure by just passing a law.

It is up to network engineers to secure their networks and programmers to write code to ward-off attacks.

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