Saturday, May 7, 2011

Passwords... Good Advice and Bad

CNN... a recognized authority because of the name, interviewed a guy named Graham Cluely, Senior Technology Consultant at the software security company, Sophos. (article here)

This is the first time I've been exposed to the company "Sophos". That really isn't the point herearticleartical had a good piece of advise - how to create passwords. Take a phrase like "I Like Coffee On Sunday Mornings" and make that into a password like ILcoffeeOnSunday. Easy to remember and long enough to satisfy most password rules.

The point I take exception to was the portion that advised everyone to use a "Sophos" service that retains and maintains your passwords.

Don't do that....

Just this week we have yet another Sony hack... but two of those kinds of services were hacked and everyone who used them now has to change all their passwords.... banking, facebook, email... OMG.

DON'T use these services.

Love that the articel had good password creation advice, kind of upset that the just of it was a push to use a service to record your passwords. It's better to put them on a post-it-note on your monitor rather than put it in a place hackers are trying to get it on a daily basis.

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