Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Historical Events on January 9

1349 - Black Death Persecution
Here are some historical events that happened on January 9:

1. 1349: The Jewish population of Basel, Switzerland, was rounded up, tortured, and later executed during the Black Death persecution.

2. 1788: Connecticut became the fifth U.S. state to ratify the United States Constitution.

3. 1793: Jean-Pierre Blanchard made the first successful balloon flight in the United States.

4. 1861: Mississippi became the second state to secede from the Union during the American Civil War.

5. 1902: New York State introduced a bill to outlaw flirting in public.

6. 1916: The Ottoman Empire's last Sultan, Mehmed VI, ascended to the throne.

7. 1923: Juan de la Cierva made the first autogyro flight in Madrid, Spain.

8. 1947: The United Nations Security Council held its first session.

9. 1957: Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) was founded by Martin Luther King Jr. and other African-American leaders to coordinate efforts in the civil rights movement.

10. 2007: Apple Inc. CEO Steve Jobs introduced the first iPhone at a Macworld conference in San Francisco.

These events span various time periods and regions, reflecting a diverse range of historical moments on January 9th.

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