Thursday, January 11, 2024

User Historical Events on January 12

97th Signal Bn.
On January 12, several historical events have occurred throughout the years. Here are a few notable ones:

1. 1777: Mission Santa Clara de Asís is founded in present-day Santa Clara, California.

2. 1915: The United States House of Representatives rejects a proposal to give women the right to vote.

3. 1967: Dr. James Bedford becomes the first person to be cryonically preserved with the intent of future resuscitation. 

4. 1991: Gulf War: An act of the U.S. Congress authorizes the use of military force to drive Iraq out of Kuwait.  I served - 97th Signal Battalion, 2/43 ADA Patriot.

5. 2005* Deep Impact launches from Cape Canaveral on a Delta II rocket.

These are just a few examples, and many more events have taken place on January 12 throughout history.

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