Monday, May 21, 2012

Anonymous Leaks Data & People Loose Perspective

11We need to keep things in perspective here.

Some hacker got through to a US Department of Justice server that did nothing more than collect statistical data on the visitors to the site.

Information like what website referred them, their general geographical location, screen size; things that all websites collect so they can better understand their audience.

But because this was a US Department of Justice server the individuals who decide what the news is thought they would generate a few more readers if they clanged a few diner pots together and tapped into the fears of individuals who don’t understand computers and the Internet.

After all, what kind of damage is 1.7 GB of visitor information to a web site going to really provide someone? The average screen size or type of web browsers they had?

On the pretibial scale of 1 – 10 this information leak is a 1. But it makes for a provocative headline; don’t fall for it.

Anonymous hacks Bureau of Justice, leaks 1.7GB of data | ZDNet

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