Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hackers Could Impersonate You – Here Is Proof

Hackers use phone to steal 500,000 accountsHere is a real-world example of how individuals can call a service provider and pretend they are you in order to gain access to home, accounts and more.

In this case a person called the hosting service for a web application the processed credit card payments and pretended to be the owner. The service accepted the verbal request to change the account credentials so the imposter could access the source code and database.

How does this apply to your life?

  • Could I call your bank and pretend I am you?
  • How about your home alarm service?

All I would need to know are simple things about you. Your name, date of birth, zip code; things I could find out very easily.

The burden is on the service provider. Do they allow telephonic inquiries about your account? Can I add account users over the phone?

While this event happened to a company – the principal could be applied to any one of us.

Hackers Impersonate Web Billing Firm's Staff To Spill 500,000 Users' Passwords And Credit Cards - Forbes

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