Friday, June 24, 2011

Do We Really Need a U.S. Fire Administration?

USFireSo I’m on the internet studying information about current Internet security tid-bits, looking for something of value to pass along and I run across this website for the United States Fire Administration.

I was not aware that we had a national office of fire prevention.

And I wonder if we really need one.

So I poked around, found where we have a National Fire Chief. They must have a great budget because they have a fantastic website (link below) and they appear to be fully staffed.

There must be a bunch of money available because right from the home screen you can read all about Federal Grants that are available and if you follow that link you can even attend free classes on how to complete the grant process.

Now I ask you… do we need a division of Homeland Security in order to show us that when there is a fire we should put it out?

Do we need FEDERAL officials to teach us that fire is dangerous and we should put one out if it is burning something we don’t want burnt-up?

I believe this is one area of our federal bureaucracy that can simply be shut down. We don’t need it – it’s overkill to have this kind of division of the federal government.

U.S. Fire Administration Home Page

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