Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Two security firms hacked.


Hackers are getting bold. After groups saw that they could get a lot of publicity taking on Sony they are now going after security companies themselves.

I used RSA secure ID’s for years to gain access to servers. I’m aware of at least two businesses that use these ever-changing numeric code methods to do their business banking.

The hackers are trying to gain access to certain pieces of code that would allow them to replicate the numeric code.

If they are successful, this breach will effect more than double the number of accounts that were effected by the Sony breach of security.

So let’s take that to the next level.

It’s not just RSA and your business banking accounts they are after. The other major firm being attacked is L-3 Communications; the company that provides Secure ID authentications for the White House, The Pentagon and others.

And these attacks will be successful one day.

What Can You Do?

Those accounts you have that use a changing number key; you’ll need to change your passwords on a more regular basis. If they ever are able to steal the code that replicates the number key and download the customer’s users accounts then they will have access to your accounts.

  • By changing your password on these kinds of accounts more often then you normally would you can add an extra level of protection for yourself.
  • Make sure you are in communication with your bank. If you notice odd activity in your account let them know right away.

Cyber threat debate: Two security firms hacked - International Business Times

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