Sunday, June 19, 2011

Internet is a “pact with the Devil”

I really don’t care for the great media hype that is reflective of the security problems popping up.

Here is a guy that associates the Internet to the Devil, but at the end of his 120 word essay he provides a link to his website. Compounded his two-faced irony is a request that you click on one of the ads so he can make a little money from the tool he proclaims belongs to the Devil.

Yes, there are hackers out there exploiting the soft underbellies of big corporations; but look towards the end of the tunnel – five years from now the lessons we are learning today will only serve to make the internet stronger. A better tool for education, commerce, and communication.

Take the time to review your own practices. Is your password the same thing you’ve been using for years and years? Is the wireless network you’ve set-up in your home secured?

Consider this as a simple practice. Obtain a pre-paid debit card; there are tons of services out there you can use. Transfer only the monies you intend to spend online to that card and use it to order your pizza from or bit on that broken laser pointer on eBay. This way if anyone does hack into Papa Johns or eBay all they are going to get is a few dollars and not access to your next car payment.

Contrary to what this hype-artists says via the Huffington Post the Internet is not of the Devil. The Internet is “of man” and therefor will always have flaws, but will always have room for improvement.

Andrew Reinbach: Computer "Security"

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