Thursday, June 2, 2011

LAWTRAC 2011 User Conference

coffeemugThe Corporate Legal Department maintains the most sensitive information a corporation can have.

Just to give you an idea on some of the things they may work on:

  • Employment agreements
  • Civil matters of senior officers
  • R&D Work (patent and trademarks)
  • Litigation

If a person can get to the data and documents maintained by the legal department they can ascertain trade secrets and more.

For example:

A national retail chain store will experience mishaps by shoppers who will in-turn file a lawsuit. Nine times out of ten the parties will settle out of court. The store wants to insure the person recovers from any injuries while preserving their reputation as a safe place to shop.

If a person were to obtain a copy of the last 50 or so settlements, they can then make a determination as to what the company will automatically settle for. A person goes into the store, fakes a mishap and asks for just less than what the store will fight over.

If your company has a legal department, you need to attend this conference.

LAWTRAC 2011 User Conference | Agenda | powered by RegOnline

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