Sunday, June 5, 2011

Want to know who is hacking your network? Look to the left–then the right.

One single thread you’ll see when you read about all the major data breaches during the recent past is the lax of internal security at these large companies.

Seriously… Sony is getting beat-up because of nothing more than compliancy of their own IT staff. Not only did they not keep their infrastructure up-to-date, but apparently they never tested it.

Google’s Gmail is a target because of a temporary employee was allowed to either put code on their networks he/she could use later or they didn’t remove the individual’s credentials when the person moved on.

RSA’s technologies of a number key changing every thirty-seconds was hacked with a twenty-year old hack. This hack has allowed access to networks belonging to major defense contractors and even your government representatives.

Of course, the hackers shouldn’t be doing this; but at a certain level aren’t the IT professionals at these companies bear some level of responsibility?

If your doctor is complacent and does not sterilize his / her needles before they give you your annual flu shot and you come down with Hepatitis don’t the other medical professionals also responsible?

Don’t blame the hackers… blame the six-figure employees who are there to make sure everything is as it should be.


Data Breach Digest

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